Good morning! This is my last blog entry before I'll begin my journey to Switzerland. I'm very much looking forward to it.
It's been almost a year since I went skiing the last time. I really can't explain that feeling but I think those who also love snow and its sports will understand. I am so excited!
Unfortunately we don't have internet or at least a computer in our apartment (and i wasn't able to convince my parents to carry one there). So I won't have a chance of blogging as often as I do here. But I will visit the internet cafe.
If there wasn't as much stuff to do as it is, I would blog much longer. But my bag isn't ready yet.
I hope you're all able to finish Christmas shopping and enjoy the first days of our vacation. See you soon,
Postat av: Daniela
Warum hast du denn nicht bescheid gesagt, dass du wechselst? xD
Auf jeden Fall wünsche ich dir nachträglich noch schöne Ferien <3